Here are some of the Core Attitudes of being One True Self; The Truth Reflector.

When I talk about Attitudes, I mean how values are manifested in our actions and thoughts to others. Attitudes are our feelings towards certain idea or issue. Attitudes dictate how we react in concrete situations.

The list is non-exhaustive and will be updated when required.

One True Self Attitudes are based on One True Self  Beliefs and Values. GO HERE to read more on One True Self Beliefs and Values.


Reflect, Reflect and Reflect.

About: Reflection is THE MOST valuable trait. Let the Mirror (yourself) be your guide.

Discover yourself by discovering you are lost.

About: How can you start discovering something unless you first accept and believe that it is Lost? Based on the same premise, how can you understand yourself if you Don’t Accept the fact that you Need to Understand Yourself?

Start at the End and go to the End. Plan Backward, Move Forward.

About: Begin with a clear vision of what your Destination looks like. Hence, start at the End. Then, come back to the Now and start planning and taking action to reach this End Destination.

If you really wish to be ALIVE, Live a Life that You were Meant To Live. Be the person you were meant to be.

About: That’s why you need to discover and understand your self and be clear about your individual and collective vision

Attitude more than Aptitude determines your Altitude.

About: The way you look at things i.e. your perspective changes your world.

Be Positive to See Positive. (B+ to C+)

About: If you wear red colored glasses, the world will appear red to you. It is that simple.


About: Set your Mental Focus on Solutions, not on Problems. Your Target is FINDING and PURSUING the Most Effective Solution. This Attitude Shift allows you to FOCUS and MOVE FORWARD into the FUTURE. It will Change your World for the Better.

Experiment with Selfless Love, Selfless Living and Selfless Giving.

About: Try something without expectation of anything in return. This is called Being Unconditional. Do something good for some-one without expecting a future return from a person even the person’s gratefulness as a result of your good gesture. Be Truly Unconditional. You are doing it because it makes you your One True Self. You are doing it because GOD expects that from you. Share your experience with us.

Think your best, Speak your best and Act your best.

YOU, and ONLY YOU are responsible for what you THINK, SAY or DO.

About: Take Personal Responsibility. Moving the blame some-where else doesn’t move or re-move any bad from your life. Plus, it doesn’t even Move You Forward in Positive Direction.

You can never blame any-one or any circumstance for anything that happens to you.

About: Quit the Blame Game. If you still want to blame, blame your Attitude.

Life is tremendously Short. Live Tall, Long and Wide.

About: Take Risks, Live with Confidence, Self Worth and Free.

Find the good in everything.

Live and Let Others Live.

Quieten yourself. Hear yourself. Believe in yourself. Be yourself.

Dream, Dare and Do.

Surround yourself with people you wish to be like.

Support your Beliefs and Values. Support your Cause(s) throughout your life.

About: Choose and connect to causes based on your beliefs and values.

Share your goodness with others. Sharing Multiplies things.

About:If you learn something good, share and spread the knowledge. Empower others, make them grow with you. Make them independent.

Don’t let anything stop you for being your true self.



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